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How do I take part?Purchase a ticket using the 'GET TICKETS' page on this website and pay an entry fee of just £25.
How much does it cost?It costs £25 per runner to take part, and then each runner is asked to target £100 sponsorhsip. However we are hoping for maximum efforts to raise as much as possible for our local Charities.
Where does it take place?The actual event takes place on Aberdeens's International Airports Runway. At Midnight. Each runner will be required to meet at 21:30 for registration and briefing at the CHC Main Terminal, Buchan Road, Dyce, AB21 0PD.
Who are the Charities?Follow us on Facebook for the announcement of this years chosen Charities.
How do I set up a fundraising page?When ready, a member of our team will get in touch to explain how and where you can donate the funds raised.
What should I bring?Each participant will be required to bring photo identification before being able to go airside. Without Identification the participant will not be able to take part. Passports and Driving licenses are preferred. Please limit the amount of valuables you bring. Participants will NOT be allowed to take ANYTHING airside that may cause damage to aircraft. This includes Mobile phones, music players, water bottles, wallets, keys etc. Participants may leave valuables at the KEY DROP area. CHC/AIA will not accept liability for the loss or damage of any items. Once airside, water will be available, but only if needed due to the control of debris.
How long will the run take?Runners shall arrive at the venue for 21:30 hours for registration. The run will begin at Midnight and be finished by 01:00. Runners still running at this time will not be able to finish the race and will be picked up by the race orgainsers. Sadly we only have the runway for a limited time. After the race will be the awards ceremony. The entire event should be completed by 02:00.
What can I expect on the night?The night will begin with registration and a safety briefing. Chairty stalls Group warm up on the runway. Photo opportunity. Awards ceremony and prize giving for the highest fund raisers, fastest individual runners, fastest team. Live music Hot food and Tea/Coffee Raffle
How do I join in the Team Event?If you are the only one to register or dont have enough members to create a Team for the Team Event then do not worry. Let us know that you wish to take part, and we will bulid a Team for you. Members of each Team Event Team will compete at the same time as Individual runners. The simple difference is that you will have your times added together to compete against other teams.
Can I bring a guest?Runners can request the company of 1 guest, but due to limited spaces and capacity, it will only be by mutual agreement of the race organisers. All guests must be registered. The event organisers will be intouch closer to the event date with the opportunity to request a guest.
If I cant make it, can I give my ticket to someone else?"No, due to the highly restricted area, all runners must be registered through our website. Please contact us for a refund.
What is the cancellation policy?If you are unable to make the event for any reason, please let us know at least 8 weeks before the event for a full refund. We will offer any returned tickets in a resale closer to the event date.
What is the minimum age to take part?All runners must be over 12 years of age, for ages between 12-16 years runners must be accompanied by and adult (18+ years).
I am in a wheelchair can I participate?Yes, all abilities are welcome to participate.
What do I get for the admission fee?The exclusive opportunity to run on Aberdeens Internation Airport's Runway. A unique high visibility race T shirt. (Must be worn during the race for visibility reasons) Hot breakfast roll and a Coffee/tea. A photograph of your individual and team race time. Completion prizes. You also get the chance to win some of the most incredible prizes. The highest fund-raisers will receive an aerial tour of aberdeenshire, with a friend, with CHC Helicopters.
Where can I park?The Car park at CHC Helicopters Main terminal has limited spaces, so runners must share lifts as and where possible. Once the car park is full, you will be directed to the next available car park. Cars must NOT be parked directly outside of the CHC Main Terminal, this is a drop off only.
What happens when we've sold all of the tickets?With all events like this it is very likely that runners are unable to make the event and pull out early. Therefore we will have a resale of tickets in the run up to the event. For the latest information on resale tickets, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. #abzrunwayrun @abzrunwayrun
Not heard from us in a while?It is possible that some email filters may automatically filter our emails into your 'Spam'or 'Junk' folder. So please check this folder or contact us for any further information.
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